All thanks to the Lord for opening doors for me to meet up with leaders from CBMC Malaysia and ICCC Malaysia (International Christian Chamber of Commerce). I went to meet up and fellowship with 2 chapters of CMBC in Kuala Lumpur also.
I was glad to witness the innovative ministry of 2 sisters. They open up their beauty salon for the weekly CMBC meeting and also allow destitute women to do their own beauty business in their premises on a pay-as-they-use business model. Such wisdom is so necessary in these end times to help one another to mitigate the impending economic hardship.
Postscript :
We are all exhorted to come out of the Babylonian system and some of us are living in this system of western capitalism states led by Babylon. Failing which we will suffer plagues of mourning, famine and death. The pandemic has already shown us what these states could do pushing their global agenda without considering long and hard on matters that are so important to our lives. If these doors are opened for us to escape, we must obey despite our reluctance and resistance to change and also help others to do likewise. May the Lord continue to give us the wisdom to mitigate the impending Rev 18:17-19 judgment He has decreed.